Our purpose is to promote community welfare and pride among the resident property owners. Membership is encouraged as the dues are used in many areas throughout our neighborhood.
Main Entrances
LCPOA maintains three front entrances that are located at Lake Country Drive, Golf Club Drive, and Secret Harbor. We hire a lawn service to mow and our volunteers plant and maintain the flowerbeds. We also maintain the fountain at Lake Country Drive. It is quite expensive to pay for water and electricity at the main entrances and your membership helps to keep these areas nice for us all to enjoy.
Private and Secure Boat Launch
The boat ramp is a unique asset to the neighborhood and is the longest ramp on Eagle Mountain Lake allowing our members access to the water in the past when all other ramps have been closed in drought conditions. The Boat Launch Committee issues boat launch permits and maintains the property in general.
LCPOA sponsors several traditional events including the Easter Egg Hunt, Spring and Fall Community Garage Sales, Kid’s Fishing Tournament, July 4th Parade and Picnic, and Concerts in the Park. It’s great to see neighbors out enjoying the events and meeting each other. We look forward to hosting our community throughout the year! To view upcoming events, click here.
Deed Restrictions
The Deed Restrictions are written to try and ensure property values are sustained and provide a positive quality of life for all residents of Lake Country. These Deed Restrictions have been a part of Lake Country since the neighborhood was started in the 1970’s. It is a topic that some people become agitated with. Please understand that without Deed Restrictions our neighborhood would be less desirable, and if that happens, our property values are sure to decrease. Please understand that we try to enforce them the same for all residents as written. Unfortunately, not every resident wishes to comply and those cases have to go through the legal process which takes time. Please also rest assured that LCPOA is not out to get anyone. We are volunteers that wish to make our neighborhood great for all. So please know we just want the best for everyone in Lake Country. Our success as a neighborhood relies on neighborly behavior and the contributions and service to each other. To view the Deed Restrictions Summary click here.
The Lake Country Greenbelts and Parks are just some of the great amenities we have in our neighborhood. Our pavilion that’s located at our waterfront park has two picnic tables as well as two park grills for our members to enjoy. In addition, members can launch kayaks, paddle boards, swim 100 ft from the boat launch area or enjoy a lakefront picnic on a nice day. There is always something to maintain on the 15 acres of greenbelts and parks in Lake Country. To view a copy of the LCPOA Greenbelts Map, click here.
Zoning and Development
LCPOA remains in close contact with city zoning officials and works to ensure that new developments in the area are built to zoning standards that do not hurt our property values. This includes fighting for larger lot sizes within new residential developments that are comparable to those in Lake Country to help prevent over density and protect the values of our own homes.
It is gratifying to know that just a small commitment of your time can make a big difference to our community. Whether you can distribute flyers on your daily walk, trim brush and low tree limbs in our greenbelts, stuff Easter eggs, help cleanup after our events, or simply welcome a new family into our neighborhood. Not only is it personally rewarding, but it can also help our community run more smoothly. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here to send us an email.
We will be happy to work with you on opportunities throughout the year.
LCPOA Board of Directors meet the first Thursday of each month starting @ 7:00 pm at Fullness in Christ Church Community Center @ 8895 Random Rd.