The boat ramp is a unique asset to the neighborhood and it continues to be in great shape because of the significant improvements made a few years ago by LCPOA. Our next focus is the parking lot. When looking at the fees of other boat ramps on Eagle Mountain Lake, we have found that our boat launch fees (as well as dues) are still much lower than those for other ramps (and HOAs). Also, our boat ramp is much easier to use and conveniently located within our neighborhood. LCPOA plans to put any extra funds generated by the fees in an account designated for improvement (especially paving) of the parking lot. See you on the lake!
Need a permit?
Click on the link below to add a Boat Launch permit to your membership (choose already a member on the application). Plan on 7 to 10 days for processing excluding mailing via US Postal Service of any boat launch permit request.
Are you a member?
To purchase a launch permit you must be a current member of LCPOA. Click the link below to join and choose that you would like to purchase a boat permit with your order.
Difficulties accessing the launch facility?
If you’re having a problem accessing the boat launch facility, call: (817) 566-2963 x710
Boat Launch Permit Manager
For installation and launch permit questions, call: (817) 566-2963 x709
Boat Launch Permit Fees
Full Member | Associate Member | |
1st Permit | $100 | $150 |
2nd Permit | $25 | $25 |
3rd Permit | $25 | $25 |
4th Permit | $25 | $25 |
Replacement Decal Note: If replacement decal is needed due to a violation of policy – additional fees apply – full revocation may apply at LCPOA discretion |
$25 (normal replacement needs) $100 (if found in violation of Boat Launch Permit Policy) |
$25 (normal replacement needs) $100 (if found in violation of Boat Launch Permit Policy) |
How to Launch a Boat:
- Plan on 7 to 10 days for processing excluding mailing via US Postal Service of any boat launch permit request.
- There is no place to drop off an application, receive a boat launch permit or amenities key.Our mailing address is 8101 Boat Club Rd., Suite 240 PMB #110 Fort Worth, TX 76179. Our personal mailbox is managed by Class Mail & Business Center.
- LCPOA sends notifications regarding membership and boat launch renewals throughout the year.Please make sure we have your current contact information.
- Please be patient. LCPOA is staffed with volunteers, not employees. We enjoy our weekends, evenings and holidays with our family and friends like everyone else. We will work with you as much as possible.
- Please be sure to include the complete TPWD TX numbers (e.g. TX-1234-AB) and include the full boat decal fee amount.
These measures will help to insure LCPOA members will have a place to park their tow vehicle and trailers when using the boat launch facility.
Thank You For Your Understanding and Patience
Launch Permit Policy
Boat Launch Permit Policy (Revised Nov 1st, 2012)
It shall be the policy of the Lake Country Property Owners Association Inc. hereinafter referred to as the “Association”, to qualify launch permit eligibility by the following provisions:
1) Definitions:
a) The word “Member” as used herein shall be understood to mean and refer to any member of the Association as defined in the Bylaws in Article 3; and
b) The words “TX Number” as used herein shall be understood to mean and refer to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Vessel Registration Number; and
c) The word “TPWD” as used herein shall be understood to mean and refer to The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; and
d) The word “TXDMV” as used herein shall be understood to mean and refer to The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles; and
2) All members shall be eligible to be issued up to a maximum of 4 launch permits upon payment of applicable fees as defined in the Bylaws in Article 3; and
3) All issued launch permits shall run concurrent with the Association’s membership year as stated in the Bylaws in Article 4; and
4) All launch permit fees shall be determined by the Association’s Board of Directors; and
5) All launch permit fees shall be set prior to the membership year in which they will be in effect and shall not be altered for the duration of the membership year; and
6) All members applying to purchase and be approved for a launch permit shall be required to submit to the Association the current TX Number associated with each vessel and be listed as a legal owner of the vessel as verified by the TPWD or;
a) When the vessel is not required to have a TX Number as defined by the TPWD, no other ownership requirements shall be required and shall be approved for a launch permit; or
b) When the member shows substantial proof of ownership the member shall be approved for a launch permit; or
c) When the member is not listed as a legal owner of the vessel and has substantial proof of intent to purchase of said vessel and has submitted such proof the member shall be approved for a launch permit; or
d) When the vessel is a new purchase and substantial proof of purchase has been submitted by the member and the TX Number has not been issued by the TPWD, the launch permit shall be issued upon the condition the member shall submit the TX Number within 45 days of the date the launch permit issuance, failing this condition the launch permit shall be revoked and no refunds issued to the member; and
7) When the vessel is placed upon a trailer for towing all members eligible to receive a launch permit shall be required to submit to the Association the vessel’s associated tow trailer license plate number when one exists for the tow trailer associated with each launch permit; and
8) Failing any of the provisions above, a launch permit shall be issued upon payment of additional fees as authorized by the Association’s Board of Directors and in the absence of any additional fees being required by the Association’s Board of Directors the member shall be approved for a launch permit and;
9) All members with an issued launch permit shall be required to read, understand and follow the Boat Launch Committee’s “Installation Instructions” and “Boat Launch Standard Operating Procedures” documents; and
10) All members with issued launch permits may have their launch permit revoked for cause as described in the above entitled documents; and
11) The Association’s Boat Launch Committee will be authorized to implement and be required to follow this policy.
November 1, 2012 – Approved – LCPOA Board Meeting
A fee of $500 be assessed to a member that does not comply with procedure #6 of the current Boat Launch Permit Procedures.
December 3, 2020 – Approved – LCPOA Board Meeting
A fee of $100 and shall be required to purchase a replacement boat launch decal when the member is found to be in violation of the LCPOA Boat Launch Policy.
Ramp Etiquette: “The Rules” For Our Boat Launch
During crowded conditions at our boat ramp, following proper procedure and etiquette will save time and keep the peace.
1. Before leaving for the Boat Launch Area prepare & load your boat, this includes:
- Installing Transom Plug
- Raising Bimini Top
- Loading Gear
- Placing Fenders
- Readying Dock Lines
- Check Fuel
- Locate Ignition Key
- Connect Battery
2. Once you are 100% ready to launch, approach the Barcode Reader allowing for 1 ½ ft clearance to the reader, drive past the reader. Do not stop at the reader. The gate will open; do not stop in the middle of the gate. Proceed through the gate and past the exit sensors in the pavement. Do not stop on the exit sensors.
3. Position your rig in the launch queue.
4. When it is your turn, back down one of the two lanes at the ramp, launch your boat off the trailer.
5. The Captain should immediately start the boat’s engine and move it to the waiting dock.
6. Quickly move your tow rig to a marked parking space, allowing the next rig in the queue to launch.
1. Organize your gear while underway back to the boat launch area.
2. Approach the boat launch area, tie-off to the waiting dock away from the launching lanes.
3. Retrieve your rig from the parking lot. Unload all boat passengers that will be traveling in the tow vehicle at this time.
4. While one person backs the rig down the ramp, the Captain unties the boat from the waiting dock and moves it to the ramp. When loading the boat on the trailer, refrain from accelerating the boat while trailering (powering on the trailer). This results in washing out the bottom of the ramp where it meets the lakebed, weakens the structure and increasing your boat launch fees.
5. Once your boat is trailered, raise the propeller, immediately approach the gate exit, and proceed over the exit sensors in the pavement slowly. The gate will open and you may exit the facility.
6. Move boat outside the gated area so you do not cause a traffic jam.
7. Make your rig road ready and dispose of all trash in the bins provided.
Boat Launch Standard Operating Procedures
This document is applicable to all users of the Lake Country Property Owners Association, Inc. (LCPOA) Boat Launch Facility.
The Boat Launch Facility is for the use and enjoyment of Current Members of the Association as set forth in the By-Laws of the Association. (ARTICLE III – Membership Section 9 – All members and associate members will have full access to common use areas to include boat ramp facilities and greenbelts upon payment of dues and applicable fees). All Authorized Boat Launch Users must meet these requirements to qualify and receive boat launch permit(s).
Fees will be collected by the LCPOA Membership Committee, LCPOA Boat Launch Committee and/or any other person(s) authorized by the LCPOA Board of Directors, all of which will be considered authorized issuers of Boat Launch Permits. The authorized issuer may ask for proof of residency by way of valid driver’s license and/or public utility bill. Additionally the authorized issuer may ask for proof of watercraft ownership at issuer’s discretion before issuing a Boat Launch Permit.
Boat Ramp Launch Permits will be issued only to Authorized Boat Launch Users. Boat Launch Permit Barcode Decals must be permanently affixed to the watercraft trailer per the “Boat Launch Permit Barcode Decal Installation Instructions” for the automated gate entry system to operate properly. Boat Launch Permit Barcode Decals incorrectly affixed will require the purchase of a replacement decal at the user’s expense with the return of the original decal issued. Boat launch permit barcode decals shall be removed and destroyed when the owner no longer qualifies for membership in the Association and/or the boat is sold or disposed.
Transferring of Boat Launch Permits between trailers and/or inappropriate use of Boat Launch Permits is strictly prohibited and may result in revocation or suspension of your launch permit without refund of any fees or dues.
Parking inside the gated area is for permitted tow rigs and authorized vehicles only. Parking of unauthorized vehicles, rigs or trailers without authorized barcode decals correctly installed or displayed is strictly prohibited. The LCPOA, at its discretion, reserves the right to have such vehicles/trailers/rigs towed at the owner’s expense.
Owners shall be responsible to register, maintain, and operate their equipment in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife, Tarrant Regional Water District and the LCPOA SOP. Safety shall be the primary concern when using the launch facility. Safety guidelines are posted at the entrance to the Boat Ramp Facility, and shall be updated at the discretion of the Boat Launch Committee. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to read, understand and follow the guidelines before using the Boat Launch Facility.
Minors are only allowed in the Boat Launch and Picnic Area between the times of ½ hour before dawn until ½ hour after dusk without parental supervision.
No Alcoholic Beverages shall be consumed while on the facility grounds. All those suspected of intoxication or exhibit inappropriate behavior shall be ejected from the facility and may result in revocation or suspension of your launch permit without refund of any fees or dues.
Boat Launch Permit Decal
Installation Instructions
The following instructions should be followed to ensure your barcode decal will be read properly by the barcode reader. Incorrect installation of the barcode decal will result in the purchase of a replacement barcode decal fee at the owner’s expense.
The Barcode Decal MUST be located on the Trailer of the watercraft, on a surface parallel to the Barcode Reader on the Passenger Side (starboard). The barcode decal should have unobstructed line of sight view to the Barcode Reader, and should be checked occasionally for cleanliness to ensure proper reflectivity.
Instructions for applying the Barcode Decal to your trailer. Once applied it cannot be moved!
1. Barcode decals should be kept warm, above 70° F, when applied.
2. Choose a location to place the barcode decal on the passenger side (starboard) of the trailer (as shown).
3. Clean the surface with denatured alcohol where the barcode decal will be placed.
4. Orient the barcode decal with the stripes running horizontal (as shown) and not wrapped over any edges or skewed
5. After orienting the barcode decal, peel back 1 inch from backing.
6. Bend the barcode decal backing at least 90°
7. Line up barcode decal vertically at the top of the surface, Press firmly on the top where the backing was peeled back.
8. Press the barcode decal firmly against the surface and peeling the backing as you pull it smoothly downward until all the backing has been removed. You may remove any bubbles in the barcode decal by a pinprick in the center of the bubble and then smoothing it out.
The barcode reader can effectively read the reflective barcode decal from as far away as 6’ ft. The reflective barcode decal should work on all trailers with a trailer width narrower than 9’ ft allowing for a 1 ½ ft to clear the barcode reader, by placing the barcode decal on the trailer tongue or side rail of the frame, either in front or behind the axle(s).
Correct Decal Installation & Location
Personal Watercraft Trailers
For those who have personal watercraft trailers with narrow side rails, this method has proved to work. We advise using one-way screws with this installation.
Incorrect Decal Installation Examples
Skewed alignment.
Wrapped around an edge of the side rail (decal is not completely viewable to the reader).
Location not recommended.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Official website link
- Fishing & Boating Information
- Boating FAQs
- Boat Ownership
- Renew Registration Online
- Request Ownership Information
- Registration and Titles FAQ
- Buying & Selling
- Forms
- Office Locations
- Registration & Titling
- How do I change the address of a boat that is currently registered in my name?
Trailer Towing Notice & Towing Service Information
The Boat Launch Facility is owned by the Lake Country Property Owners Association.
The Association monitors the boat launch facility regularly to maintain available parking spaces for the exclusive use of active members of the Association with valid boat launch permits.
Living in Lake Country Estates or Lake Country Secret Harbor or an adjacent neighborhood does not automatically give you the right to park your trailer and vehicle in the boat launch facility.
Tailgating in behind an authorized member will result in this notification when observed. All members who observe these types actions are asked to call the committee and report such violations (see top of page for contact information).
Placing your permit decal or a note on your dash is a violation of our rules and you are subject to being towed. Please view the regulations concerning proper installation in section titled “Boat Launch Permit Barcode Decal Installation Instructions”
If you receive this notice on your windshield then it has been determined your trailer does not have a properly authorized or installed or displayed boat launch permit barcode decal and your trailer has been reported to the towing service for removal from the facility.
- If your trailer is still present, your vehicle and/or trailer information has been recorded and you are being served with trespass. Future unauthorized use of this property will be treated as trespassing.
- If your trailer is missing, it has been towed. Contact the towing company below to retrieve your trailer.
Lone Star Towing
437 Harrold St
Fort Worth, TX
(817) 334-0606